Dr. Simon Sheh
At the end of a recent counselling session, a
client told me that her pastor is on leave from
the church ministry. I was thinking the pastor
must be on some sort of medical leave, but my client
further informed me that her pastor was involved
in an affair with a ministry worker from another
congregation. My heart sank when I heard the news,
and I was angry because the evil one has once again
successfully brought down a servant of God who
appeared to have a vibrant ministry. The work of
a pastor, by nature, is very stressful and demanding.
Nowadays I believe many pastors are facing increasing
pressure to grow the church and to bring in the
numbers and results. The intense job pressure could
make a person vulnerable and at risk crossing personal
and ministry boundaries.
An affair does not happen out of the blue; it evolves
in a very predictable pattern. An affair usually begins
when a person is unaware of or ignores his/her
vulnerability, and at the same time not practicing
proper boundaries in relationships. When a person
is vulnerable, his/her mind, body, and spirit are
looking for pain relief. The affair process further
evolves when the pain relief comes from a person
of the opposite sex and who is not the spouse,
and that person acts like a high-performing, addictive
drug that provides a sense of comfort, validation,
and affirmation, as well as a listening ear, emotional
attachment, escape and rescue. The affair is consummated
when sexual intercourse is involved, and the addiction
to one another turns into high gear. The affair
continues and sustains itself by mutual rationalization
of true love and needing one another. An affair is
not about love; it is about an unhealthy, addictive
relationship. As one Christian woman puts it, when
she got caught again by her husband, she felt like
she was an alcoholic addicted to booze. Except
her liquor was the youth pastor she had the affair
The pathology of an affair: A four-step destructive
1. Vulnerability
means there is added risk, not added value, in
a person’s life. Vulnerability
often occurs when a person is:
• under a lot of stress
• grieving major losses
• feeling insecure and looking for affirmation
• feeling rejected and looking for validation
• going through a burnout
• experiencing boredom and looking for fun and
• not aware of his/her personal weaknesses, e.g.,
boundary issues with persons of the opposite sex,
such as, often wants to save or rescue someone
• having unfulfilled expectations and unexpressed
needs in marriage
In his book Torn Asunder, Dave Carder wrote:
“When we are vulnerable, we are emotionally run
down, our defenses are down, our perspective on
things is clouded, we are not able to make judgment
based on truth, and everything is seen through
an emotional filter. Pain is intensified. Therefore,
the pursuit of relief from pain is also intensified.
When you are vulnerable, a situation that might
otherwise be safe may now be unsafe.”
2. Emotional, non-physical involvement
the pathology of an affair, the gray area is where
much game playing occurs. Don’t worry, we
are just doing ministry together.
Because people
tend to say that nothing is going on when there
is no physical contact, they feel safe because
they think they are still walking within a boundary – when
they are really crossing the line. This innocent “playing
around” can lead to the next destructive
step in the process: physical contact.
Emotional involvement and violation of a boundary
occur when a man and a woman who are not married
to one another:
• share intimate information about their past
• share intimate information about personal struggles
• share intimate information about marital problems
• want to support, rescue and protect a
wounded soul
The following story of a woman illustrates the
danger of emotional involvement:
“I and Ralph became friends after meeting at work.
We began consolling each other over each of our
failing marriages. Put it this way, because we
are leaning on each other for support, things between
me and Ralph ended up getting heavy ... maybe four
or five times me and Ralph got into some pretty
heavy petting, you know, touchy feely, and then
intercourse on just one occasion.”
3. Physical involvement
Once an affair gets physical, it is hard to get
out. It is like a full-blown addiction to the relationship.
4. Rationalizations for continuing the affair
• “Just
one more time”
• “If my wife only met my needs, I wouldn’t
do this”
• “I understand her so much better than her
husband does”
• “She needs me”
• “We do ministry together”
• “It won’t happen again”
• “I’m just too weak”
• “If only God would give me the strength
to stop”
• “God knows that I need this”
• “King David was doing it; it can’t
be that bad”
• “No one else knows, so what’s the
• “God will forgive us”
• “There are worse sins”
• “God loves us no matter what we do”
How to protect ministry relationships
Set and maintain appropriate boundaries with persons
who are not your spouse:
• Do not disclose and share intimate information
and personal struggles with a person who is not
your spouse on a one-to-one basis. If someone of
the opposite sex bares his/her soul with you, encourage
the person to seek professional help. Do not play
the rescuer role. Do not engage in hugs and embraces
in private moments.
• When you are meeting a person of the opposite sex
in your office, if possible, keep your office door
fully or half opened. If possible, construct or
choose offices with a glass window in order to
create some transparency for the actions within.
• The prayer experience is an extremely intimate
matter. Except with your marriage partner, do not
make a habit praying with persons of the opposite
sex in a closed door, private setting. Choose a
room with a glass window or leave your door half
• When you are counselling persons of the opposite
sex, do not extend your session beyond the appointed
time. Avoid meeting the person alone, especially
in the evenings, when nobody is around in the
church. When you pray with the person during the
counselling, avoid physical touch.
• When you are travelling with co-workers on ministry
trips, such as attending a conference, do not meet
with someone of the opposite sex alone in your
hotel room. Meet in the public or in a meeting
room with people around.
If possible, avoid visiting someone of the opposite
sex alone in his or her home. This applies to the “Handy
Man.” You are handy and have the gift of
helping others. A recently separated single parent
needs some repair in her bathroom, and your spouse
sends you there to help. Bring your spouse or kids
with you. Do not create a situation in which you
are alone with someone who is potentially vulnerable.
Seek healthy ways to relieve pain
• Identify
your pain: fear, insecurity, rejection, betrayal,
failure, feeling not good
enough, getting no respect in the marriage, etc.
• Do not internalize your pain, externalize it. Ask
God for the courage to share your pain with your
spouse, and/or with someone of the same gender
whom you trust. This is a difficult practice for
pastors and church leaders because they are supposed
to have answers and solutions. It has taken me
a long time to willingly share my own insecurity
with my wife. If necessary, seek professional counselling
• Decrease vulnerability by practicing healthy self
care. Regularly exercise. Have good communication
with your spouse and children. Your life is bigger
than your church and ministry. Self care is not
equal to selfishness.
• Remember, in defining ministry success, it is not
how big your church is; it is how big your church
behaves in Kingdom business.
Simon Sheh is a Christian psychologist in private
practice in Edmonton, Alberta. Dr. Sheh
is the creator of the Godly Men, Ungodly Thoughts
and Leadership and Sexual Integrity seminars. Dr.
Sheh and his family attend Beulah Alliance Church
in Edmonton. For more information on Dr. Sheh’s
services and his upcoming seminars, please go to
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