After 20 years by Marcia Laycock
Reflections on being a pastor’s wife for 20 years. |
Weathering the storms of ministry by Katerina Hinkle
Three actions you and your spouse can take to withstand the ups and downs of ministry, wounds and all.
Married to a minister
by Sandra Reimer
Though often costly, lonely and susceptible to criticism, being a pastor's wife also has its rewards.
Moments with Marlene—a pastor's wife
by Jennifer Antonsen
Marlene, a pastor's wife and mom, shares her experiences & lessons she
has learned from being in ministry with her husband for the past 20 years. |
Opening the door: The journey of a new pastor's wife
by Stephanie Carroll
Pastors' wives can feel that they are under intense scrutiny from
church members-and from themselves! Sometimes all that is needed
is a little grace to see that God is indeed working. |
Sometimes I'm NOT always right by Stephanie Carroll
As a pastor's wife, it is not always easy to let go and trust God will take
care of our husbands and their ministry. But life becomes so much more
peaceful when we are able to release our concerns to the Lord! |
Acknowledging the "common cold"
by Jennifer Antonsen
Depression has been described as the common cold of mental illness in both men
and women, and pastors' wives can be even more susceptible to depression then others.
Learn some of the myths and scriptural truths surrounding depression, and what to do
if you may be experiencing depression. |