You can occasionally mention Christ-like "purity" in your sermons. You can very carefully,
in the most gentle manner possible, say the four letter word "PORN", but please make sure
you come up with words that sound like PORN, such as "born" or "torn" so that you can play
dumb when approached after the service.
You can also start a sex addiction recovery
group for those in your congregation that are truly addicted and brave
enough to admit it. Or ... you can do the only thing that will lead
to significant, lasting transformation for your church - change your
church's culture from the inside out. Intentionally make sexual integrity
part of the fabric of your church. Don’t get me wrong, talking about sex and
providing a safe place for addicts to experience God’s love and
healing are vital, but by themselves they will
not create lasting change in your church body or your community.
Here are four, key components that are necessary
to start the process of transforming your church’s
culture from the inside out.
1. (P) Personal examination
Church purity starts at the top. By now,
almost every pastor with an Internet connection
has seen the survey
that showed 38% of evangelical pastors having viewed
porn that week.
If you are a ministry leader, you must be honest with yourself before
you can effectively minister to your congregation. Do you constantly
struggle with lust, pornography or other sexual sin? If so, then you
must repent and deal with these issues in your own life. You must understand
the nature of the triggers that lead you into sexual sin, and learn
about ways to address those in your life. Of course, a great way to
do this is to begin the Pure Online workshop today! There are other
ways, and if you are not interested in the Pure Online workshop, then
please do get help another way.
God can cleanse your heart and prepare you to help heal others. Hear
what David said after he had committed adultery with Bathsheba. Create
in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do
not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore
to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain
me. Then I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will turn
back to you. Save me from bloodguilt, O God, the God who saves me, and
my tongue will sing of your righteousness. O Lord, open my lips, and
my mouth will declare your praise. [Psalms 51:10-15]
2. (U) Uncover the issue - Generate educated awareness
As Christian
leaders you must speak truthfully about pornography
and sexual sin. Don’t shy away
from teaching the full biblical revelation regarding
human sexuality. Be proactive and real! Don’t beat around
the bush. Many Christians feel as if they are the
only ones that could possibly be struggling with
this sin. If you beat around the bush, it will
only add to the secrecy and shame that those who
are struggling feel.
Preach about it from the pulpit. This isn’t just a guy’s
issue. Men, women and youth are struggling with pornography and sexual
sin at an ever increasing rate. The more openly you discuss sexual sin
as well as God’s intent for biblical sexuality, the more open
and free your congregation will feel to share their struggles and seek
help and guidance. Don’t give in to the temptation to soften the
message in an attempt not offend anyone.
Shoot straight with your youth. God approves of
sex… He created
it. The Song of Solomon says that sex is holy and
that God created us as sexual beings. Too often Christians fail to adequately
understand the Song of Solomon and share its truths with our young people.
Sex is not dirty, it is our selfish misapplication of sex that has made
it dirty. We need to focus on the benefits of biblical
purity and the implications of not using God’s gift in His intended
manner. We too often focus on the don’ts with our youth.
Jesus made it clear that he was truth, that we should speak the truth
in love, and that liars are contemptible. Instead, speaking the truth
in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that
is, Christ. [Ephesians 4: 14-15]. You may offend some people, but the
crowd should not dictate “truth”. Woe to you when all men
speak well of you, for that is how their fathers treated the false prophets.
[Luke 6:26]. Jesus never watered down his message. It is OK to talk
about pornography, sex, lust and masturbation. Our kids are talking
about these things every day at school and “learning” about
them on the Internet, MTV, on cable, and in movies.
3. (R) Resources – A call to action
Once you pull back the covers on pornography and
sexual sin, you must provide resources in three
(3) key areas. Pornography and sexual sin are issues that a sermon or
bible study alone won’t
solve, especially if the pornography or sexual
sin has become an addiction.
Just uncovering the issue is like a fireman that
points out the flames but has no water. You must call people to action
and then give them a clear road map to education and recovery.
First, provide access from your website to
Pure Online--or another
confidential way to get help. While some percentage of those struggling
with sexual sin will be ready to talk with a counselor or join a recovery
group, the vast majority of those struggling with sexual sin are trying
to cope with it on their own. They are deathly afraid that a spouse,
friend or pastor may find out. Christian men and women need a confidential
way to begin the recovery process and to allow God to work in their
lives. In many instances you will find that an online workshop like
Pure Online can serve as a feeder system for counseling and recovery
groups as people progress through the online workshop.
Second, offer easy access to trained, professional Christian counselors.
Some percentage of those struggling with sexual sin in your congregation
may be sex-addicted, and may have devastated their own lives and the
lives of their loved ones. Typically those dealing with sexual addiction
have wounds that will require some level of deeper analysis. Don’t
force members of your congregation to find good biblically-based counseling
on their own. Identify and recommend several Christian counselors in
your area that have experience working with sex addicts—and when
possible, have one or more of them on your staff.
Third, provide recovery groups. Confession and accountability are key
components to long term sustained recovery. Have a safe place where
recovering addicts can share their experiences and build accountability
relationships. Celebrate Recovery is a perfect example. (see
For more on effective implementation of Pure Online in your church
or ministry, contact us a
4. (E) Education - Keep it practical
First, clearly communicate the vision for a culture of sexual integrity
in your church to your staff, board, and laypeople, and challenge them
to surrender their own personal agendas to God's grander vision for
your congregation.
Second, equip your congregation with the armor
to win the battle. Provide practical training to
assist men, women and youth looking for God's wisdom,
direction and tools to use in keeping themselves sexually pure. A workshop
like Pure Online or another course or small group study should be required
before we send youth off to college, or to careers or to start families
in a sex-saturated culture. If we don’t provide preventative and
proactive training in the church, then our youth will be trained by
the Internet, MTV, television, school, and friends.
Specifically, every member of your church should:
- understand the dangers
of pornography and sexual sin;
- understand the triggers that lead to temptation
and the tools to use to stand firm in the face
of temptation;
- understand simple daily disciplines that
they can incorporate into their lives in order
to help maintain their sexual integrity and
- understand Internet accountability and filtering.
© 2005 Pure Online, Inc. Used
with permission |